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{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
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The World of Radionics
What in the world is Radionics? If you have not heard of this great tool for wellness, join Wanda as she outlines what Radionics is and describes the numerous uses. Each boost can be customized. Some of the many benefits could include improved energy, strengthened immune system, better physical health, enhanced goal achievement and releasing of limiting beliefs.
What are you working on in your life?
What are you working on in your life?
Chi Tiết Chương Trình
{{ session.minutes }} phiên phút
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lớp học trực tiếp
Trong khoảng Wanda Davis
Wanda Davis
Wanda is a speaker, spiritual coach and teacher who helps all ages figure out who they are meant to be. She draws on her experiences from both the worlds of science and spiritual to bring information to others to help them on their spiritual path.
người học (11)
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