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How to Break Fall for the Street
Learn how to fall properly and safely. Weather you're being attacked, pushed, or are just clumsy - We all fall sometimes, and falling improperly can get you hurt! This technique will teach you how to protect yourself from injuries while falling such as broken arms, wrists, elbows, tailbones, or head injuries, and to be in a good position for defending an attacker once on the ground. Other videos for ground defense to follow such as: getting up properly, defending while being punched, grabbed, and other attacks.
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Trong khoảng Instructor Jennifer Wallace
Instructor Jennifer Wallace
Sifu / Instructor Wallace has been training in Reality Based Martial Arts for over 18 years and continues to train and learn to adapt and evolve with new styles, and new scenarios and situations. The Self-Defense training taught is reality based to help students...
người học (10)
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